Four Weeks After Bilateral Knee Replacement

Melissa’s Story (Owings Mills, MD)

Melissa put together the perfect recovery for herself by doing the right things before and after her bilateral knee replacement surgery. She provides us with an update four weeks after bilateral knee replacement in her own words, and in the video below.

Melissa’s Recovery: In Her Own Words

My name is Melissa. I’m 47 years old and I had bilateral knee replacement surgery four weeks ago. I used the X10 the day that I returned home from the hospital. And now four weeks later I’m able to walk without the aid of a cane or any other device. I’m looking forward to having my new knees.

OK, I’m Done!

I said, ‘you know what? I’m done. I’m done being this constrained at this age. I want to be able to be more active and just walk my dog pain-free.’ So I thought, okay, I’m definitely gonna do it. Then the question was, do I do one or both knees? Dr Winakur felt very strongly, given my age and fitness prior to surgery, that I was an absolute candidate for bilateral. And to me that sounded like a more pragmatic approach. Anyway, it’s one and done. So I went for it and I’m glad I did it that way.

So it was NOT so painful

One of my big surprises is that, at least in my experience, it wasn’t this horrible, painful, awful thing that so many people warned me about. Prior to surgery I was a little nervous because so many people said I was crazy. But St Joseph’s Medical Center was great. My pain was managed well in the hospital, and by the time I got home I was able to keep track of it. And like I said, I got on the X10 immediately. I think just having something that I could do for myself, to move toward healing, was great psychologically. In fact the machine promotes a reduction in swelling. I think I just put that together, and it ended up being a pretty painless process.

Managing My X10 Time

What worked best for me was two X10 sessions of 45 minutes on each leg. That’s a big chunk of time when you’ve got two legs. I did toy around trying three 30 minute sessions once. I just preferred a morning and a late afternoon session.

So I did 45 minutes on one leg, ice the knee, then 45 minutes on the next leg and then ice. And after a 45 minute time I felt like that was enough time to really get the joint loose and push my range of motion a bit.

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