Is X10 covered by insurance?
X10 is covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan for use in your home with or without home therapy.
For most, the X10 is a short-term rental. X10 patients usually need the X10 for three weeks for range of motion and possibly a fourth week to address a strength deficit. We have a partnership with Care Credit to make payments easy – there should be no major financial obstacle to obtaining X10 for recovery.
Other Insurers. Increasingly our patients have found small pockets of coverage, which is very encouraging. We help by preparing a CMN (Certificate of Medical Necessity) to help patients try to get their insurance company to cover the X10.
Covered by Medicare? A qualified yes.
In SE Michigan X10 is covered by Medicare through the home care provider, VNA. This is only available for post TKA recovery. To learn more reach out to us and we can connect you with a provider who can help you.
Where is X10 Available?
X10™ is available in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana,, Chicago, Illinois, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Washington DC, Connecticut, Northern Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Texas and Oklahoma, Los Angeles, CA and Phoenix, AZ.
Delivery, setup for the X10 in my home; and how big is the X10?
We set up the machine in a convenient place (preferably near your TV as you can enjoy entertainment while using the machine). It takes up as much room as does an easy chair (approximately 3.5 feet x 3.5 feet). The X10 plugs directly into your wall power outlet with a normal three-pronged plug. It has no special power requirements. It is easy to get on and off the machine. You will be instructed on how to use the X10, and within a few minutes, you can begin your therapy. At the end of your weeks of therapy, we will pick up the machine from your home.
Is X10 a CPM machine or Romtech?
In a word, no. This is a very common question for those who have heard of or used the CPM/Romtech in the past so we included it here in this X10 FAQ. The X10 is the first in a new class of far superior machines when compared to the CPM. These machines are called PMKR machines, PMKR stands for Pressure Modulated Knee Rehabilitation.
CPM (continuous passive motion) machines–
are based on technology from the 1970s that simply moves a patient’s leg between two set points without helping to expand the range of motion in any meaningful way. More about the CPM machine here.
PMKR machines–
are far more effective for knee patients. The machines read a patient’s knee pressure and adjust to the level of tension to minimize discomfort and deliver effective therapy. X10 technology is based upon two unique method patents that allow us to move the knee joint in a fundamentally different way that leads to rapid gains in flexibility and strength without creating pain. This helps the patient work with the therapy and overcomes the chronic therapist issue of Protective Muscle Guarding. X10 incorporates active and passive ROM, along with isotonic and eccentric strengthening.
The X10 is completely unique, patented, and represents a giant leap in knee surgery care. There is no comparable device. Important attributes (shared here in this X10 FAQ) of the X10 include:
- Passive movement that adjusts to the human body
- Keeping patients out of pain
- Enabling range of motion gains with no new swelling
- Reduction of edema
- Controlled active motion (mobility under your own power)
- Highly efficient strength training:
- Works quadriceps, hamstrings, calf
- Stops muscle atrophy soon after surgery
- Helps regain pre-surgery strength
- Wireless data transmission to a personal X10 Recovery Coach (assigned to each patient)
The X10 is a significant improvement to antiquated technology like the CPM machine, The value of the CPM machine for knee surgery recovery has been debunked over the past 10-15 years, and for most surgeons, hospitals and insurance companies it is no longer in use.
Why is X10 better than other forms of rehab?
X10 is more gentle than traditional physical therapy. You get more therapy in your home than you do with traditional home care. X10’s onboard computer allows you to track your progress in real-time, providing you with measurable targets and goals and a daily record of your leg’s flexibility and strength.
The X10’s patented Comfort Threshold™ allows you to start muscle retraining within days of your surgery, weeks faster than with traditional rehabilitation. Rebuilding the strength in your leg will help ensure that you make a full recovery and can get back to all your daily activities – unlimited by knee pain!
Finally, why not recover at home with the best technology? In-Patient nursing care is a necessity for some who are elderly or need special care, but it can be costly and unfamiliar, and most facilities do not have experience with orthopedics. With X10 you get more therapy than any other setting while recovering in the comfort of your own home.
Is there concrete proof that X10 is better than traditional rehab?
Yes there is. Click here to view a complete comparison of X10 and traditional rehab both with and without the use of CPM machines. Patients recover significantly faster with X10. To view new research about the X10 click here: The Global Journal of Orthopedics Research Study
Can the X10 help me recover after a Manipulation Under Anesthesia?
Yes, yes, yes. The X10 is highly effective after an MUA (Manipulation Under Anesthesia). It is of paramount importance that you begin working on the X10 within 24 hours of your Manipulation. Scar tissue is often the culprit for patients who require a MUA. The X10 can help you beat the race against the formation of scar tissue, but research has shown that it matters how soon after surgery you start on the machine. The sooner the better. Click here for more.
Can I Avoid a Manipulation Under Anesthesia?
There is no better method of avoiding an MUA than the X10 system. If the X10 cannot do it then there is no way to avoid the MUA. To learn from patients who have avoided the MUA with X10 click here. For more on how the X10 avoids the MUA click here.
Do I have to follow my hospital’s home care program?
No. The choice of how to rehabilitate from knee surgery is up to you. Your surgeon and hospital discharge planner may recommend specific home care solutions that are part of their medical system.
Can I use my own outpatient facility after using the X10 in my home?
The choice of an outpatient therapy provider is up to you. You can choose any physical therapy clinic you like. It is our experience that X10 patients have much less of a need for outpatient care; in some cases, they do not need any outpatient care at all.
Do I need a prescription for X10?
Yes (& no). You don’t need a separate prescription for X10 Therapy. Many patients decide to add the X10 to whatever therapy solution they have arranged. If they are not covered, patients can pay for X10 on their own. We offer financing with very reasonable terms through our partner, Care Credit.
If you live in Michigan you can get a prescription (or “orders”) from your surgeon specifically for the X10 if you have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. To get started, all you have to do is call (855) 910-5633. We will verify that your insurance will cover home healthcare and start the process of getting orders from your surgeon.
At any time you can call us to sort this out (1-855-910-5633). We will answer all of your questions, and if you want to go ahead with X10 we can get started together.