Donna reached out to X10 in late spring to talk about using the program for a single total knee replacement planned for that summer. She did some exploration of doing both knees at once and ultimately went in that direction. Donna discusses deciding on bilateral knee replacement and her recovery here.
We focus on the patient in this weekly podcast. Our objective is to improve the whole knee replacement (and other knee surgeries) experience from months before surgery to months afterward. In the pod you will also learn about the pre and post-surgery tool, The X10 Knee Recovery System™.
Hosted by Mary Elliott and PJ Ewing
Clinical Advisors
Our Most Recent Episode
We publish at least one new episode each week. You can find the very latest episode of The Bee’s Knees Podcast right here.
The our podcast is also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and a wide range of other podcast platforms. Search your favorite podcast app and you’ll find us.
Deciding on Bilateral Knee Replacement (Donna’s Story)
Below you will find select episodes from the podcast.
Each episode is unique. And we “go long” in many of them so you can get every important detail down about the subject matter.