PJ Ewing is the Chief Marketing Officer at X10 Therapy. He is also a Recovery Coach who has helped more than 350 knee patients recover from knee surgery to date. An active blogger on knee surgery and recovery, PJ is the chief editor of The X10 Meta-Blog, and is host and founder of The Bee's Knees Podcast. PJ is a graduate of The University of Michigan (BA) and Notre Dame University (MBA).
We examine the Continuous Passive Motion machine for knee surgery recovery. Robert Salter (MD) and John Saringer (an engineer) commercialized the CPM in 1978. Extensive research and clinical references included here.
Flexion is the number one challenge for most patients after any knee surgery. A lack of full knee flexion is the number one reason patients call us looking for an “X10 Intervention”
Protective Muscle Spasm | What to know | How it Works | Physical Therapist Solutions to this pervasive problem.
The Failure of Painful Physical Therapy after Knee Replacement | For so many painful physical therapy in a clinic is simply not going to work. Painful Physical Therapy
When 25% of knee replacement patients who have the procedure known as the MUA need to have a second one you know that the procedure is highly flawed at solving a knee bending problem.
X10 TO THE RESCUE | Wendy and John Penn (and the Penn Pups) sent a gorgeous note about X10 Therapy saving the day on a knee surgery recovery.
At the most basic level guarding occurs when your therapist pushes your knee one way and you push right back, negating his attempt to help you gain flexibility as you try to protect yourself. This is called Protective Muscle Guarding.
When the recovery stalls around six weeks after knee surgery patients naturally get upset about the whole thing. I regularly hear the words “I wish had had never had this surgery. I’d rather go back to my bone-on-bone self.” And I know this can be fixed.
So now let’s talk about you. If you have a knee surgery upcoming you have the opportunity to walk into this process better informed and better prepared if you just ask the right questions.
The Journal of Orthopedics. No therapy needed after X10 Therapy. X10 Therapy The Journal of Orthopaedics.