Winning at Knee Replacement – A Knee Recovery Coach Reports

Little did I know that throughout Curt’s recovery on the X10, his mother Venetia was watching very closely from the sidelines.  While recovering fairly easily from hip replacement two years prior, Venetia witnessed knee replacement patients struggle with great pain and discomfort.  Venetia had decided to put off having knee replacement surgery indefinitely.

Managing Pain After Knee Replacement (Merlin’s Story Part IV)

In trying to analyze the whole experience, there was one very interesting factor. At the height of the pain on Marlin’s Story Part IV: Managing Pain After Knee Replacement. Saturday and Sunday, I did no exercise at all. But some kind of survival instinct must have kicked in on Monday and though the pain management regimen remained the same, and I was unable to do any meaningful work with the physiotherapist, I completed two sessions on the X10 machine once the pain meds kicked in.

Knee Surgery Recovery and the X10 (Merlin’s Story Part V – Conclusion)

Merlin’s Story Part V: Conclusion. I named my X10 machine ‘Brunhilda’ and we quickly became fast friends. She sat among my plants and books and work files like a sentinel looking out the window to the trees outside. She was strong and relentless and kind and rewarding. I could set my target, crank up the Mozart to levels that drowned the pain, pace myself, and have small victories which I would celebrate with my recovery coaches. My knee surgery recovery and the X10 were now working in synchronization.