The Bee’s Knees Podcast

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The Bee's Knees
The Bee's Knees
X10 Therapy

Stories, articles, interviews about knee recovery, therapy, and life after surgery.

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SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

If your feelings of depression and low energy tend to peak in the winter, you may think you are suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), but it could also be something else.

Air Force Active Duty | Solving Ligament Tears

Elizabeth, Active Duty Air Force, solves a lot of damage to her knee with the X10. ACL, MCL – there was a lot to rehab. Solving Ligament Tears with X10 Therapy.

Mindy Avoids Manipulation Under Anesthesia

Mindy Avoids Manipulation Under Anesthesia in Michigan. At six weeks post surgery things were definitely not looking up. Problem solved, MUA Avoided.

About our Podcast

We typically publish a podcast 1-2 times each week. While we focus on total knee replacement recovery we have a lot of interviews and research that is useful for those going through another type of knee surgery. We spend a lot of time spreading the word about The X10 Knee Recovery System™ on The Bee’s Knees Podcast but we do not limit our conversation to this recovery program. There is a lot to learn from everyone’s experience with various devices and protocols and we are open to “all things knee”. We’re glad you found out podcast… there is no other like it.

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